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Saarvanto A. & Trivic B. (2014) Optimised sludge treatment at NSVA for increased biogas production. (In Swedish). Master´s thesis. Lund University, Sweden.,

Sandgren, S. (2015) Urine volume reduction with a biomimetric membrane – a method evaluation. Master´s thesis. Kristianstad University, Sweden.,

Sara Roth, Louise Söderberg, Henrik Aspegren, Salar Haghighatafshar (2024) The compound impact of rainfall, river flow and sea level on a watercourse through a coastal city: Methodology in making City and Environment Interactions, DOI:

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Schleich, C., Chan, S., Pullerits, K., Besmer, M. D., Paul, C. J., Rådström, P., & Keucken, A. (2019) Mapping Dynamics of Bacterial Communities in a Full-Scale Drinking Water Distribution System Using Flow Cytometry. Water, pp. 11(10), 2137.

Seweling L. (2015) Phosphorus flows in Scania – a substance flow analysis. (In Swedish). Bachelor´s thesis. Stockholm University, Sweden.,

Simha, P, Gustavsson, D.J.I., Senecal, J., Vinnerås, B. (2017) Semi-decentralised urban sanitation systems: urine diversion and drying through a techno-conceptual lens. IWA Embrace the Water – a Cities of the Future Conference. 12-14 juni 2017, Göteborg, Sverige.,

Simha, P., Senecal, J., Gustavsson, D.J.I., Vinnerås, B. (2020) Resource recovery from wastewater: a new approach with alkaline dehydration of urine at source. Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Sustainable Bioresources for Emerging Bioeconomy,

Simon Gidstedt, Alexander Betsholtz, Per Falås, Michael Cimbritz, Åsa Davidsson, Federico Micolucci, Ola Svahn (2021) A comparison of adsorption of organic micropollutants onto activated carbon following chemically enhanced primary treatment with microsieving, direct membrane filtration and tertiary treatment of municipal wastewater Science of The Total Environment,

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Sims S. (2017) Which Microbes Treat Our Wastewater? – A Study into the Microbial Community Structure of Activated Sludge at a Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment Plant for Varying Solids Retention Time. Master's thesis. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.,

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Sörensen J., Persson A., Sternudd C., Aspegren H., Nilsson J., Nordstrom J., Jonsson K., Mottaghi M., Becker P., Larsson R., Berndtsson R., & Mobini S. (2016) Re-thinking urban flood management – Time for a regime shift. Water 8(8), pp. 332.

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Sörensen, J., Penttinen, O. (2019) Utvärdering av icke-förstörande mätmetoder för lokalisering av skador på rörledningar i mark – rapportering av projektet Pipe Status

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South N. (2014) Investigation of wastewater treatment solutions with membrane bioreactor technology and biological phosphorus removal in the future extension of Lundåkra WWTP. (In Swedish). Master´s thesis. Lund University, Sweden.,

Stefansdottir D. (2014) Manometric method for evaluation of anammox activity in mainstream anammox at Sjölunda WWTP. Master´s thesis. Lund University, Sweden.,

Suarez C., Persson F. & Hermansson M. (2015) Predation of nitritation-anammox biofilms used for nitrogen removal from wastewater. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 91(11),

Suarez, C., Sedlacek, C.J., Gustavsson, D., Eiler, A., Modin, O., Hermansson, M., Persson, F. (2022) Disturbance-based management of ecosystem services and disservices in partial nitritation-anammox biofilms Nature,

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Sweden Water Research (2023) Affärsplan 2023

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Sweden Water Research (2020) Aktieägaravtal

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Sweden Water Research (2015) Årsredovisning 2014

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Sweden Water Research (2016) Årsredovisning 2015

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Sweden Water Research (2017) Årsredovisning 2016

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Sweden Water Research (2018) Årsredovisning 2017

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Sweden Water Research (2021) Årsredovisning 2020

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Sweden Water Research (2022) Årsredovisning 2021

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Sweden Water Research (2023) Årsredovisning 2022

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Sweden Water Research (2024) Årsredovisning 2023

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Sweden Water Research (2019) Årsredovisning för räkenskapsåret 2018

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Sweden Water Research (2016) Bolagsordning

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Thakur, A.K. (2024) Effect of sludge biochar as an additive in thermophilic anaerobic digestion Master Thesis. Chalmers University of Technology. ,

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Väänänen J., Nilsson F., la Cour Jansen J., Hörsing M., Hagman M. & Jönsson K. (2014) Discfiltration and ozonation for reduction of nutrients and organic micro-pollutants from wastewater – a pilot study. Water Practice and Technology 9(3), pp. 475-482.

Vali, N., Combres, A., Hosseinian, A. & Pettersson, A. (2023) The effect of the elemental composition of municipal sewage sludge on the phosphorus recycling during pyrolysis, with a focus on the char chemistry — modeling and experiments Separations 2023 10(1), 31,

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Wärff, C (2020) Household wastewater generation model. Technical report. Division of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation, Lund University, LUTEDX/(TEIE-7279)/1-29/(2020), Lund, Sweden. ,

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Wärff, C., Arnell, M., Sehlén, R. Jeppsson, U. (2020) Modelling heat recovery potential from household wastewater Water, Science & Technology, DOI:

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Wilén, B.-M., Burzio, C., Ekholm, J., Svahn, O., Persson, F., Modin, O., de Blois, M. & Gustavsson, D.J.I. () Biologisk rening av organiska mikroföroreningar – En jämförande studie i fullskala av aerobt granulärt och aktivt slam Svenskt Vatten Utveckling,

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Wittgren H.B., von Bahr B., Kärrman E., Lundin E. & Rodhe L. (2017) Fosfor från avloppsslam i en cirkulär ekonomi Slutrapport. Energimyndigheten.,

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