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(2023) Affärsplan 2024

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(2024) Affärsplan 2025

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(2017) BONUS CLEANWATER folder (English)

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(2020) BONUS CLEANWATER summary of final report

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(2019) Pipestatus slutrapport till Vinnova

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() Review of existing policies and research related to microplastics – Summary for policy makers (Russian version)

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(2016) Slutrapport ”Den varma och rena staden” inkl delrapporter.

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Bengtsson, S., de Blois, M., Wilén, B-M., Gustavsson, D. (2018) Treatment of municipal wastewater with aerobic granular sludge Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, pp. 119-166. DOI:

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 Henning, N., Falas, P., Castronovo, S., Jewell, K.S., Bester, K., Ternes, T.A. and Wick, A. (2019) Biological transformation of fexofenadine and sitagliptin by carrier-attached biomass and suspended sludge from a hybrid moving bed biofilm reactor Water Research, DOI:

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Lu, F., Vianello, A., Vollertsen, J. (2019) Retention of microplastics in sediments of urban and highway stormwater retention ponds Environmental Pollution, DOI:

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Almqvist D. (2015) Evaluation of open stormwater systems in Helsingborg during heavy rainfall. (In Swedish). Master´s thesis. Lund University, Sweden.,

Arnell, M., Lundin, E., Jeppsson, U. (2017) Sustainability Analysis for Wastewater Heat Recovery – Literature Review. Technical report, Division of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation, Lund University, LUTEDX/(TEIE-7267)/1-41/(2017).,

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Arnell, M., Ramesh, S., Wärff, C., Ahlström, M., Jeppsson, U. (2021) Värmeåtervinning ur avloppsvatten Svenskt vatten utveckling,

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Arnell, M., Saagi, R. (2020) Modelling of heat recovery equipment. Technical Report. Division of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation, Lund University, LUTEDX/(TEIE-7280)/1-8/(2020), Lund, Sweden.,

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Ascard Edefell E. (2017) Challenges during start-up of urine nitrification in an MBBR. Master's thesis. Lund University, Sweden.,

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Ashley Hall; Amanda Widén; Ellen Edefell; Åsa Davidsson; Hamse Kjerstadius (2024) Treatment of greywater with nanofiltration for nutrient removal – 2-year experience from Helsingborg Water Practice & Technology, DOI:

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Bårdskär S. (2016) Monitoring of denitrifying activities in moving bed biofilm reactors with an ex-situ manometric batch test. Master´s thesis. Lund University, Sweden.,

Bengtsson, S., de Blois M., Flodin, J., Olsson, J., Jonstrup, M., Myring, K., Johansson, J., Wilén, B.-M., Gustavsson, D.J.I. (2017) Aeroba granuler, en ny reningsteknik för kommunala avloppsreningsverk. En kunskapssammanställning. Svenskt Vatten Utveckling rapport nr. 2017-19.,

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Bengtsson, S., de Blois, M., Gustavsson, D.J.I., Olsson, J., Johansson, J., Wilén, B.-M. (2017) Aerobic granular sludge – opportunities and challenges. Nordic Wastewater Conference (NORDIWA) 2017. 10-12 oktober 2017, Aarhus, Danmark.,

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Bengtsson, S., de Blois, M., Wilén, B-M., Gustavsson, D. (2018) Treatment of municipal wastewater with aerobic granular sludge Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology,

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Bengtsson, S., de Blois, Mark., Wilén, B-M., Gustavsson, D. (2018) A comparison of aerobic granular sludge with conventional and compact biological treatment technologies Environmental Technology,

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Bengtsson, S., Fujii, D., Andersson, S., Arnell, M., Fredriksson, O. & Gustavsson, D.J.I. (2019) Energy efficient aeration in the Swedish wastewater sector Nordic Wastewater Conference (NORDIWA) 2019, Helsinki, Finland, September 23-25, 2019.,

Bengtsson, S., Fujii, D., Arnell, M., Andersson, S., Carlsson, B., Held, H. & Gustavsson, D.J.I. (2019) Effektiv luftning – Design, drift, underhåll och upphandling av luftningsutrustning för kommunala avloppsreningsverk Svenskt Vatten Utveckling, rapport nr. 2019-23,

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Berndtsson, R., Becker, P., Persson, A., Aspegren, H., Haghighatafshar, S., Jönsson, K., Larsson, R., Mobini, S., Mottaghi, M., Nilsson, J., Nordström, J., Pilesjö, P., Scholz, M., Sternudd, C., Sörensen, J. & Tussupova, K. (2019) Drivers of changing urban flood risk : a framework for action Journal of Environmental Management, pp. 47-56.

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Bester, K., El-taliawy, H., Escola Casas, M. (2018) Removal of ozonation products of pharmaceuticals in laboratory Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors (MBBRs) Journal of Hazardous Materials, pp. Volume 347, 5 April 2018, Pages 288-298. DOI:

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Betsholtz, A., Juárez, R., Svahn, O., Davidsson, Å., Cimbritz, M., Falås, P. (2022) Ozonation of ¹⁴C-labeled micropollutants – mineralization of labeled moieties and adsorption of transformation products to activated carbon Water Research,

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Betsholtz, A., Karlsson, S., Svahn, O., Davidsson, Å., Cimbritz., M., Falås, P. (2021) Tracking ¹⁴C-labeled micropollutants to differentiate between adsorption and degradation in GAC and biofilm processes Environmental Science & Technology,

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Björklund F, Giese L, Tellhed U (2023) Pedagogisk verksamhet – ett verktyg för framtida kompetensförsörjning? Svenskt Vatten Utveckling, pp. 33.

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Buakhom P. (2015) Candidate biomarkers for drinking water quality: General bacteria, Sphingomonadaceae and Microcystin (algal toxin)-degrading gene in biofilms of infiltration ponds. Master´s thesis. Lund University, Sweden.,

Burzio, C., Ekholm, J., Modin, O., Falås, P., Svahn, O., Persson, F., van Erp, T., Gustavsson, D.J.I. & Wilén, B.-M. 2022 (2022) Removal of organic micropollutants from municipal wastewater by aerobic granular sludge and conventional sludge Journal of Hazardous Materials ,

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Chan S. (2016) The invisible world in a glass of water. Master class presentation, The Bridge summit 2016 Pushing Humanity Forward by Linking Science and Business, Lund, Sweden, June 22-23, 2016.,

Chan S., Buakhom P., Rådström P., Persson K. & Paul C. J. (2015) Different source water nutrients and bacterial biofilm communities in artificial infiltration ponds. National drinking water conference, Uppsala, Sweden.,

Chan S., Persson K., Rådström P. & Paul C. (2016) Biofilms in infiltration ponds and the impact of raw water and organic matter. 10th Nordic Drinking Water Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 28-30, 2016.,

Chan S., Persson K., Rådström P. & Paul C. (2015) Biofilms in infiltration ponds. Abstract: for oral presentation at National drinking water conference, Uppsala, Sweden.,

Chan S., Persson K., Rådström P. & Paul C. (2015) Natural organic matter and biofilms in infiltration ponds. In: Proceedings of 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water (NOM6), Malmö, Sweden, September 7-10, 2015.,

Chan S., Pullerits K. & Paul C. (2016) Bakteriernas osynliga värld i vårt kranvatten (The invisible world of bacteria in our drinking water). In Swedish. Kulturnatten, Pufendorfinstitutet, Lund, Sweden, September 17, 2016.,

Chan S., Pullerits K., Persson K., Rådström P. & Paul C. (2016) Impact of washing on the bacterial community in produced drinking water from new and existing sand filters. 10th Nordic Drinking Water Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 28-30, 2016.,

Chan S., Rådström P., Persson K. & Paul C. (2016) The establishment of bacterial community in two new slow sand filters. 10th Nordic Drinking Water Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 28-30, 2016.,

Chan S., Rådström P., Persson K. M. & Paul C. J. (2016) The development of bacterial communities for drinking water purification in new slow sand filters. Nordic drinking water conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.,

Chan S., Rådström P., Persson K. M. & Paul C.J. (2016) The development of bacterial communities for drinking water purification in new slow sand filters. IWA Microbial Ecology in Water Engineering & Biofilms joint specialist conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.,

Chan S., Riechelmann J., Buakhom P., Pullerits K., Persson K. M., Rådström P. & Paul C J. (2016) Natural organic matter (NOM) and bacterial communities during artificial infiltration of drinking water. IWA Microbial Ecology in Water Engineering & Biofilms joint specialist conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.,

Chan, S. (2018) Processes governing the drinking water microbiome Department of Chemistry, Lund University,

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Chan, S., Pullerits, K., Keucken, A., Persson, K. M., Paul, C. J., & Rådström, P. (2019) Bacterial release from pipe biofilm in a full-scale drinking water distribution system. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, pp. 5(1), 1-8..

Chan, S., Pullerits, K., Keucken, A., Persson, M. K., Paul, J. C., Rådström, P. (2018) Bacterial release from pipe biofilm in a full scale drinking water distribution system. Nordic Drinking Water Biofilm Symposium, Horsens, Danmark.,

Chan, S., Pullerits, K., Riechelmann, J., Persson, K. M., Rådström, P., & Paul, C. J. (2018) Monitoring biofilm function in new and matured full-scale slow sand filters using flow cytometric histogram image comparison (CHIC). Water research, 138, pp. 27-36.

Cimbritz M., Edefell E., Thörnqvist E., El-taliawy H., Ekenberg M., Burzio C., Modin O., Persson F., Wilén B-M., Bester K., Falås P. (2019) Combining PAC-adsorption and nitrification in an MBBR. Science of the Total Environment 677, pp. 571-578.

Cimbritz M., Tumlin S., Hagman M., Dimitrova I., Hey G., Mases M., Åstrand N. & la Cour Jansen J. (2016) Rening av läkemedelsrester och andra mikroföroreningar – En kunskapssammanställning. Svenskt Vatten Utveckling rapport nr. 2016-04.,

Cimbritz, M. (2018) Slutrapport RESVAV: Reduktion av svårnedbrytbara föroreningar i avloppsvatten

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Cimbritz, M., Mattsson, A. (2018) Reningstekniker för läkemedel och mikroföroreningar i avloppsvatten Havs- och vattenmyndighetens rapport 2018:7,

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Clemens Klante (2023) Hydrophysical processes governing brownification: A case study of Lake Bolmen, Sweden Teknisk vattenresurslära, Lunds universitet,

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