Doktorandtjänst kring vattenrening med UV-LED
Sweden Water Research, RISE Acreo och Lunds universitet söker doktorand till ett gemensamt fyraårigt projekt kring vattenrening med UV-LED-teknik.
Vi söker en positiv, ambitiös och teknikorienterad person för att komplettera vårt projektteam. Doktorandprojektet är ett tvärvetenskapligt projekt där doktoranden kommer vara anställd på RISE Acreo och kopplad till Lunds universitet, Teknisk Vattenresurslära (TVRL).
Här kan du läsa mer om projektet
Om doktorandtjänsten
RISE Acreo has teamed up with Sweden Water Research AB, and Lund University through Water Resource Engineering and Solid-State Physics, in a joint four-year PhD project focusing on how water disinfection using ultraviolet light emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) can be optimized and implemented at scale.
The goal of this PhD project is to generate knowledge and understanding of UV light disinfection strategies and efficacy for water treatment facilities and point-of-use applications and conduct pioneering research in this area. The candidate will, among other things, study effects of different UV wavelengths/combinations of wavelengths and strobing, study ideal illuminance distribution, dose, packaging and geometry of UV LEDs together with flow reactor design. During the project, scalable prototypes will be designed and demonstrated in a polluted water system and the candidate will generate profound knowledge in materials science, design, operation, limitations and integration of UV LEDs in the entire system.
We are looking for positive, ambitious and technology-oriented individuals to join our growing team. This is a highly interdisciplinary doctoral project, requiring skills and/or an ability to study the areas of water dynamics, surface physics, optics, microbiology, materials science, nanotechnology and fluidics. Since this is a research institute PhD position, the student must be highly motivated to do not only scientific research, but also to understand industrially oriented innovations at the interface between academia and commercial research. The student will be employed at RISE Acreo AB, enrolled at Lund University and the project will result in a doctorate in Water Resource Engineering.
All information finns här (länk till RISE Acreo)