Our projects

Sweden Water Research conducts research into water and develops new, effective solutions to meet the future challenges facing the water services industry.

We create, run, participate in and initiate projects that seek out suitable partnerships, with the ultimate aim of increasing knowledge of successful methods for the development and climate change adaptation of the cities of the future. Projects within Sweden Water Research are run in close collaboration with the owner municipalities and will, in either the short or the long term, benefit day-to-day operations.

Active filters

Result of filter: 53

Project types: Completed Projects
Areas: All areas

Sewage sludge spreading on arable land – long-term effects on soil and crops, as well as the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

In 1981, field trials were started to investigate the short- and long-term effects of the spread of municipal sewage sludge on arable land. Initially, there were five test fields, but for a long time the project has been concentrated on two of them: Igelösa outside Lund, which receives sludge from the Källby Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), and Petersborg outside Malmö, which receives sludge from the Sjölunda WWTP. The project has so far had nine stages of four years each. The period 2018-2021 will be the tenth stage of the project.

Removal of pharmaceutical residues – what drives the development?

Government funds are currently being invested in feasibility studies and investments for upgrading wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with the aim of removing organic micropollutants, such as pharmaceutical residues. What driving forces lie behind the municipalities and water- and wastewater organizations work with this issue and do the investments end up where they contribute the most?