Our projects

Sweden Water Research conducts research into water and develops new, effective solutions to meet the future challenges facing the water services industry.

We create, run, participate in and initiate projects that seek out suitable partnerships, with the ultimate aim of increasing knowledge of successful methods for the development and climate change adaptation of the cities of the future. Projects within Sweden Water Research are run in close collaboration with the owner municipalities and will, in either the short or the long term, benefit day-to-day operations.

Active filters

Result of filter: 16

Areas: Resource efficient and environmental friendly wastewater treatment
Project types: All project types
Bild på Ellinge Avloppsreningsverk

FramBliK – The future biofilm process, still with continuous operation

Many municipal wastewater treatment plants are facing expansion and reconstruction. Lack of space and requirements for sustainability mean that compact, resource-efficient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective solutions are in demand. This project is about investigating a new biofilm process, with a bio-based carrier, to assess whether this process can be a viable alternative in future wastewater treatment plants.

Grafer på en dataskärm

Characterisation of municipal wastewater

Major investments will be required in the next few years to deal with aging infrastructure, population growth, urbanisation and new emission requirements at municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). These investments are preceded by evaluation, design and optimization, which in turn require access to good data to provide security in the decisions made and to ensure cost-effective solutions.

Foto granuler mot mörk bakgrund.

AGNES – Aerobic Granular sludge – Nutrient removal and recovery Efficiency in Sweden

More stringent discharge limits and increased load due to population growth and centralisation create needs of upgrading and enlarging the existing municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Also expansion of housing areas close to the treatment plants increase the demands of retrofits and upgrades that are space efficient. At the same time we want the treatment methods to be robust, energy, carbon and chemical efficient, have low carbon footprint and facilitate recovery of plant nutrients.