Our projects

Sweden Water Research conducts research into water and develops new, effective solutions to meet the future challenges facing the water services industry.

We create, run, participate in and initiate projects that seek out suitable partnerships, with the ultimate aim of increasing knowledge of successful methods for the development and climate change adaptation of the cities of the future. Projects within Sweden Water Research are run in close collaboration with the owner municipalities and will, in either the short or the long term, benefit day-to-day operations.

Active filters

Result of filter: 53

Project types: Completed Projects
Areas: All areas

Micropollutant removal at Sjölunda WWTP – bromate formation in ozonation and regeneration of activated carbon

During 2021-2022 bromate formation in ozonation and regeneration of activated carbon were investigated at Sjölunda wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) within a prestudy for a rebuild of the wastewater treatment plant in order to meet a growing population. The project was financed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket).