Carescape of blue-green solutions in everyday life: Exploring the socio-materiality of a technical infrastructure - Sweden Water Research

Carescape of blue-green solutions in everyday life: Exploring the socio-materiality of a technical infrastructure

This is Misagh Mottaghi’s PhD project. Misagh is an industrial PhD student at Sweden Water Research and doing her PhD at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at Lund University.

PHD PROJECT Misagh is an architect and urban designer interested in architecture and urban design in relation to sustainable urban flood management in urban environments. She started her study wondering how we can possibly assure the multifunctionality of blue-green solutions (BGS) in an urban context while keeping their maximum technicality (flood protection function). Through her PhD thesis, she explores if and how BGS tackle, and take part in, different everyday life situations although being spatially designed for extreme climatic occasions. Her case study is the Augustenborg neighborhood in Malmö. Her research is a compilation thesis (collecting papers) in which she applies mixed methods, qualitative as well as quantitative, to investigate the co-beneficiality of BGS in urban life.

Supervisor: Mattias Kärrholm, Lund University

Co-supervisor: Henrik Aspegren, Sweden Water Research

  • What matters in an environment with BGS, to be spatially used in the mundane life of urban inhabitants, responding to their different everyday needs
  • How the co-beneficiality of BGS can be methodologically studied in relation to the temporality of use and society
  • How everyday users’ expectations and concerns can be considered in the design process of BGS

Misagh Mottaghi (2023) CARESCAPE OF BLUE-GREEN SOLUTIONS IN EVERYDAY LIFE : Exploring the socio-materiality of a landscape technology Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Lund University,

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Mottaghi M, Kylin M, Kopljar S, Sternudd C. (2021) Blue-Green Playscapes : Exploring Children’s Places in Stormwater Spaces in Augustenborg, Malmö Urban Planning, pp. 6(2):175-188. DOI: doi:10.17645/up.v6i2.3953

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Mottaghi M, Nordström J, Haghighatafshar S, Jönsson K, Kärrholm M, Sternudd C. (2023) Caring for Blue-Green Solutions (BGS) in Everyday Life: An Investigation of Recreational Use, Neighborhood Preferences and Willingness to Pay in Augustenborg, Malmö Land, pp. 12(2):336. DOI:

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Mottaghi, M., Kärrholm, M., Sternudd, C. (2020) Blue-Green Solutions and Everyday Ethicalities: Affordances and Matters of Concern in Augustenborg, Malmö Urban Planning, DOI:

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Mottaghi M. (2015) Malmö water plan, from idea to practice. Workshop notes, May 7, Malmö,

Mottaghi M. (2015) Innovative stormwater solutions. Workshop notes, April 29, 2015, Malmö.,

Mottaghi M., Jönsson K. & Aspegren H. (2016) Integrated urban design and open storm drainage in our urban Environments. Water Practice and Technology 11(1),, pp. 118-126.

Sörensen J., Persson A., Sternudd C., Aspegren H., Nilsson J., Nordstrom J., Jonsson K., Mottaghi M., Becker P., Larsson R., Berndtsson R., & Mobini S. (2016) Re-thinking urban flood management – Time for a regime shift. Water 8(8), pp. 332.

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Mottaghi M., Aspegren H. & Jönsson K. (2015) The necessity for re-thinking the way we plan our cities with the focus on Malmö. VATTEN – Journal of Water Management and Research 71(1), pp. 37-44.

Mottaghi M. (2016) Water resilient cities – Swedish cities and the need for the integrated urban water management with focus on flood resilience. VA-teknik Södra report no. 03-2015.,

Berndtsson, R., Becker, P., Persson, A., Aspegren, H., Haghighatafshar, S., Jönsson, K., Larsson, R., Mobini, S., Mottaghi, M., Nilsson, J., Nordström, J., Pilesjö, P., Scholz, M., Sternudd, C., Sörensen, J. & Tussupova, K. (2019) Drivers of changing urban flood risk : a framework for action Journal of Environmental Management, pp. 47-56.

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