Our projects

Sweden Water Research conducts research into water and develops new, effective solutions to meet the future challenges facing the water services industry.

We create, run, participate in and initiate projects that seek out suitable partnerships, with the ultimate aim of increasing knowledge of successful methods for the development and climate change adaptation of the cities of the future. Projects within Sweden Water Research are run in close collaboration with the owner municipalities and will, in either the short or the long term, benefit day-to-day operations.

Active filters

Result of filter: 53

Project types: Completed Projects
Areas: All areas
Foto granuler mot mörk bakgrund.

AGNES – Aerobic Granular sludge – Nutrient removal and recovery Efficiency in Sweden

More stringent discharge limits and increased load due to population growth and centralisation create needs of upgrading and enlarging the existing municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Also expansion of housing areas close to the treatment plants increase the demands of retrofits and upgrades that are space efficient. At the same time we want the treatment methods to be robust, energy, carbon and chemical efficient, have low carbon footprint and facilitate recovery of plant nutrients.

Future City Flow

Water is a resource in a sustainable city and can create attractiveness and greenery. Right placed, green areas, vegetation and open streams take care of rain and relieve sewage systems. A pleasant and safe urban environment can be created in parallel with avoiding flooding and improving water quality by reducing emissions of poorly treated sewage.


The conventional municipal wastewater systems recover only a small part of the plant nutrients found in the wastewater to farmland. The purpose of the project is to gather important stakeholders in the flow of nutrients from the households to farmland to assess the potential and, hopefully, further develop a urine separation system that has been developed by SLU.

Östersjöns vågor och strand


BONUS CLEANWATER was a research project working with solutions to reduce microplastics and micropollutans in the Baltic Sea. The project focused on innovative research on water technology to remove micropollutants and microplastic from wastewater. The solutions were developed in close collaboration with end-users.

URINITE – Stabilisation of urine by nitrification

The urine separation systems of the future will include volume reduction to further decrease transport and storage needs and to obtain a more concentrated fertiliser. Stabilisation of the urine is required to not lose the nitrogen through ammonia volatilization during the volume reduction treatment. Nitrification is a promising method for stabilising urine.


The maintenance approach with underground pipes is often reactive and intervention takes often place after the pipe has failed. In the Pipestatus project we will develop methods for condition assessment for pipe inspections to help the pipe owners to be able to increase intervention before a pipe failure. None of the methods require interruption of supply or excavations. Non-dig methods and technical solutions are highly attractive for players both in Sweden and internationally. New solutions have therefore great market potential.

Bild på slamlager, Sjölunda Avloppsreningsverk

Back to the basics: high-loaded activated sludge

Degradation of organic substances in municipal wastewater is conventionally performed in the activated sludge process in presence of enhanced nitrogen removal processes. In the future, new nitrogen removal processes could demand a wastewater already treated for organics. The project "Back to the basics: high-loaded activated sludge" aims to make the high-loaded activated sludge process more efficient.

Ett hålfibermembran, sett ovanifrån.

Membrane against brownification – ”GenoMembran”

Northern lakes and rivers have become browner and browner. Explanations to this brownification are a few, but they can be summarized as the influence from humans – both an increase of some and a decrease of others.