News – Company news

Utloppet från ett betongrör i en stor damm med stilla vatten. Runt dammen är åkermark och ett hus.

ISWIM’s Testbed Takes Shape, Constructed Wetland in Place

In western Lund, the research project ISWIM is building a testbed for innovative stormwater treatment solutions. The first stage consists of a constructed wetland, which is now complete.
Vattensamling om given av grönska

New project: Opti-SITE

We are delighted that the Opti-SITE project has been granted funding from Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak. Utilising high-resolution radar data and AI, it will play a crucial role in efforts to develop climate-adapted and sustainable stormwater infrastructure in urban areas.
Grund vattenpöl där grönt gräs sticker upp och vissna löv flyter

ISWIM Focuses on the Future of Stormwater Treatment – PFAS in the Spotlight

The ISWIM project has now established the framework for its pilot at the Värpinge wetland in Lund. The focus is on addressing the challenging and partly unknown pollutants found in stormwater, with a particular emphasis on PFAS.
Vatten från kran som bubblande rinner ner i grönt glas som en hand håller i.

Encouraging News from Water Wise Societies: Funding Granted for New Projects

“The Water-Smart Society’s Recycled Water System” and “From Analog to Digital in the World of Microbes” have been awarded funding, with project leadership from RISE and Sweden Water Research, alongside two other projects in which we are participants but not primary actors.
Ett stort antal människor uppställda i en bred trappa

There we go! The second Swedish Sewage Sludge Biochar Conference completed

145 people from 17 countries participated when Testbed Ellinge organised the second Swedish Sewage Sludge Biochar Conference in Malmö last week.

New Working Method to Achieve New Results

Can a design sprint address society’s need to purify, manage, and utilise stormwater?
Leende kvinna med långt hår och glasögon. Bilden är tagen utomhus, kvinnan tittar in i kameran.

Hi Helena, new project developer!

"It's incredibly exciting, but also challenging, to work with water and circular solutions for a sustainable future, where we make the most of this vital resource," says Helena Tsiparis about her new role as a project developer with us at Sweden Water Research.
Nedersta delen av ett stuprör som sticker ut ur en lummig grönska

Three new projects

Exciting Developments in Water Research! Over the past month, we have launched three new projects.

Say hello to Victoria, our new Project Developer!

The opportunity to work on and develop something as important as the future of water services attracted Victoria Rydengård to the role of project developer at Sweden Water Research.
Grå metallboxar med sladdar, i bakgrunden en träbrygga, räcke och havet

This Year’s Urban Swimming Water Measurements Completed

The summer data collection has now been completed, and the next step is to analyse it. Together with data from previous years, it will form the basis for developing an AI model that can predict bathing water quality and issue warnings about potential problems in advance.
Porträttbild av en kvinna med svart hår i hästsvans och glasögon

Welcome Carolina!

We're happy to welcome Carolina Suarez as a project manager at Sweden Water Research.
silverfärgade rör och kemitunnor i metall industriell miljö

Registration is open!

2nd Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar in Malmö, Sweden.