Gdansk Water and FanpLESStic-sea mission
Gdansk Water summarizes the first 1.5 years with FanpLESStic-sea.
Almost 1.5 year of project realization behind us. A lot of great meetings and oppurtunities to disseminate the Fanplesstic mission! Our project presentations met with great interest of water and wastewater specialists during specialistic conferences, we had an inspiring meeting with Eben Schwartz, Marine Debris Program Manager and we were even able to present our Fanplesstic aims during proceedings of polish parliamentary team against plastic. We were really excited to start some fruitful cooperations.
We have been invited by with Pomeranian Development Agency to present the microplastic problem to the touristic branch companies in the range of “Circle to Innovate” project and participated in the seminar “Close the plastic tap” during EUSBSR Forum thanks to the cooperation with the Polish Ecological Club.
Nobody has expected such a great interest in our microplastic presentation during the open lectures on the Gdansk University of Technology. Not only all chairs were occupied but we had to search for the extra ones. We answered a lot of questions which made us sure that microplastic pollution is a problem that concers many of us.
Sampling by UFO
This time was also full of interesting activities. We have to do sampling using UFO! But it was not flying object but a special sampling device – Universal Filtering Object. Now we have to wait for the reults patently. We are very curious how many microplastic particles is in our stream flowing through the urban areas of Gdansk. Now all our strenght is directed to our investment – a pilot station based on the wetland system. We want to verify if Nature Based solutions can be effective in reducing microplastic from the stormwater. Keep your fingers crossed!
Gdansk Water