What do we know about microplastics? Report from conference and workshop in November 2017
Sweden Water Research was one of the organizers of a conference and workshop on the topic of microplastics in November 2017. Read more about the most important conclutions in the report from the meetings.
In recent years, microplastics in the environment has become an issue of growing concern. At the same time, the knowledge about sources and effects of microplastics is very limited, and thus a field with increasing research activity. This includes methods for analysis of microplastics, which are associated with considerable difficulties and not yet possible to standardise. These were the main motives behind two events arranged in Malmö, Sweden, in November 2017.
The IWA Sweden Microplastics Conference took place on November 8. It was organised by IWA Sweden, Sweden Water Research, the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management and the
Swedish Water and Wastewater Association. The conference gathered more than 150 delegates from nine different countries.
The day after the conference, a workshop was held for researchers, organised by Sweden Water Research and VA-teknik Södra. The workshop was attended by 36 persons from universities, research institute and water companies.