Emma Fältström

PhD student

Emma has previously worked with research in freshwater ecology (at Umeå University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Umeå) on how anthropogenic activities impact freshwater systems. As of 2016, Emma ws employed as an industrial PhD candidate at Sweden Water Research and conducted her research education at the division of Environmental Technology and Management at Linköping University. She defended her thesis in December 2023, read more about that on this link.

The research was about flows of environmental pollution in wastewater and stormwater, with particular focus on microplastics. Flow analysis and the source control initiatives in the water and wastewater sector was used as a starting point to develop strategies to control microplastics in the urban environment.

Kandidatexamen i biologi och geovetenskap vid Umeå universitet

Masterexamen i Miljö- och hållbarhetsvetenskap vid Lunds universitet

Emma Fältström (2023) Mitigating Microplastics Pollution in Urban Water Systems: Flow, actors, and control measures Linköping University,

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Fältström E. (2015) Thicker than water – Exploring values among actors sharing a water body for effective management: The case of Lake Ringsjön. Master´s thesis. Lund University, Sweden,

Ekblad M., Fältström E., Edefell E. (2017) Reducing concentrations of microplastics and organic micropollutants 8th International Young Water Professionals Conference, Kapstaden, Sydafrika, 10-13 december 2017,

Fältström, Emma (2020) Towards the Control of Microplastic Pollution in Urban Waters Licentiate thesis ,

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Fältström, Emma (2022) Mapping flows for a model city

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