Ellinor Frank

PhD student

Ellinor has been participating in the Urbana Bad project since 2019. The work within the project continued during her Master’s thesis which was completed in the spring of 2020. Since then she has continued working within the project as an industrial doctoral student with planned doctoral thesis defence in June 2025.

Ellinor’s part in the project is (and has been) to analyse Next Generation Sequencing data generated from sea floor sediment and water collected in Öresund. The purpose of the analysis is to evaluate the sediments’ role in the spread and resuspension of bacteria, as well as investigating connections between possible sources of faecal bacteria and the microbial communities in the sediments. The results from these analyses will be used as a foundation upon which the quality of the bathing water along Skåne’s west coast will be evaluated. Possible solutions to the issues will be investigated so that the bad water quality of our beaches can be solved.

Master of Science in Engineering, Biotechnology with a specialization in molecular biotechnology at Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University.

Ellinor Frank, Jon Ahlinder, Therese Jephson, Kenneth M. Persson, Elisabet Lindberg, Catherine J. Paul (2023) Marine sediments are identified as an environmental reservoir for Escherichia coli: Comparing signature-based and novel amplicon sequencing approaches for microbial source tracking Science of The Total Environment,

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