Kick-off meeting and site visit for ISWIM

Happy participants at the first physical project meeting within ISWIM gathered this week in Skåne.

It was fantastic to both meet and discuss in person, and to see and experience the places the project is working with. That’s how one can summarize two intensive days of project meetings within ISWIM – Innovative management of stormwater for a sustainable society.

Filled with impressions after site visits at Parking Malmö and the Red Oasis co-building community in Sege Park in Malmö, it was off to the site where the Värpinge wetland is to be constructed. The last stop offered a look inside the membranes at Lund university, Faculty of Engineering, where stormwater is purified for toilet flushing.

In addition, discussions, exchange of ideas, theory, and laughter – a great start to the project, simply put!

En grupp människor uppställda bredvid varandra, tittar in i kameran och ler

Part of the ISWIM project gruop. From the left: Godecke Blecken LTU, Bodil Elmqvist VA SYD, Camilla Vesterlund Lumire, Kelsey Flanagan LTU, Carina Svensson (project manager) Sweden Water Research, Pia af Klercher VA SYD, Nina Steiner Sweden Water Research, Jesper König Sweden Water Research, Emelie Hedlund Nilsson Lumire, Per Hillbur Malmö universitet and Ebba Waernbaum VA SYD. Participants who are not seen on this picture are Frank Lipnizki and Tobias Hey from LTH, and AnnaMaria Kullberg from MSVA.


Ett gräsfält med en gård längst bort vid horisonten. Blå himmel med små vita moln. En kulle med ett vindkraftverk i kanten av fältet.

Here, on the outskirts of western Lund, the Värpinge wetland will be constructed.