3.6 Million SEK from Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Testbed Ellinge has received financial support (3.6 MSEK) from Interreg Baltic Sea Region via participation in the CiNURGi project.
The support provides the opportunity to ensure that VA SYD can continue the operation of the testbed after the Vinnova project ends in December 2024. In addition, Linnaeus University, with Ann-Mari Fransson at the head, will study the availability of phosphorus and heavy metals in sludge biochar in short term via pot experiments within the project.
CiNURGi stands for Circular Nutrients for a sustainable Baltic Sea Region and includes 24 partners and 13 associated organisations from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden. The project started in November 2023 and will end in October 2026.
The main objective of CiNURGi is to support the implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Regional Nutrient Strategy and the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan.
Read more about CiNURGi on the project’s website.

At the end of November 2023, CiNURGi had its start-up meeting in Gothenburg.