Testbed Ellinge news and events
News and events

The second Swedish Sewage Sludge Biochar Conference completed
145 people from 17 countries participated when Testbed Ellinge organised the second Swedish Sewage Sludge Biochar Conference in Malmö last week.

Added sludge biochar for thermophilic digestion – does it do any good?
On June 3, Aashutosh Kumar Thakus presented his degree project "Investigating the Impact of Sewage Sludge Biochar on Biogas Production in Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion" at Chalmers University of Technology.

The 2nd Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar
After a successful 1st Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar in 2022 in Malmö with 120 participants from 14 countries, we now invite you for a second conference in Malmö in October 2024. The conference brings together researchers, companies and other stakeholders regarding sludge pyrolysis and biochar.

Status pilot plant
At the beginning of the summer, Aquagreen began to test the various plant parts and right now the dryer is being tested. Unfortunately, the pilot plant is still not operational. The latest schedule says the pilot will be handed over to VA SYD in the last week of October 2024.

Activated sludge biochar as an adsorbent for organic micropollutants – a first attempt
On May 30, Veronika Jörntell presented her Master´s degree project "Sludge biochar as an adsorbent for pharmaceutical residues in wastewater" at Lund University.

Specialist in material characterisation on visit
Yesterday, Nils Skoglund, senior lecturer at the Thermochemical Energy Conversion Laboratory at Umeå University, visited the pilot plant at the Ellinge Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The 2nd Sewage Sludge Biochar conference is looking for speakers!
The 2nd Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar will be arranged 15-17 October 2024 in Malmö, Sweden. We are now looking for speakers and exhibiting companies for the conference. We have just started the work with the programme. Follow the updates on this link.

General meeting within Testbed Ellinge
On Tuesday, March 19, 24 people from Testbed Ellinge's basic organisation gathered for a meeting in Eslöv to discuss the progress of the testbed and to visit the pilot facility.

Master thesis project on biochar in anaerobic digestion
In recent years several scientific reports indicate that the addition of biochar to anaerobic digestion can increase biogas production and improve the stability of the process.

Roslagsvatten invests in pyrolysis
Sweden's first pyrolysis plant at a wastewater treatment plant will be built at Magretelund's WWTP in the municipality of Österåker. We have asked Aleksandra Lazic, development engineer at Roslagsvatten AB, a couple of questions about investing in sludge pyrolysis.

Kick-off in the project on phosphorus availability
At the beginning of January, the Swedish Water and Wastewater Development project Phosphorus availability in sludge and sludge biochar had its kick-off meeting.

3.6 Million SEK from Interreg Baltic Sea Region
The support provides the opportunity to ensure that VA SYD can continue the operation of the testbed after the Vinnova project ends in December 2024.

Further delay of the start-up of the pilot plant
Unfortunately, the company Aquagreen announced last week that the start-up of the pilot at Ellinge WWTP will be further delayed.

Sludge biochar as an adsorbent for pharmaceutical residues
One of Testbed Ellinge's first Master Science projects is now underway! Veronika Jörntell will look at sludge biochar's ability to adsorb pharmaceutical residues in municipal wastewater treatment.

Great interest in co-financing as an idea
Testbed Ellinge arranged a digital conversation, together with the association Klimatkommunerna, on sludge biochar and co-financing on Wednesday, January 17, 2024.

Current research on sludge biochar
On Tuesday, November 22, project manager David Gustavsson made a guest appearance at the project Boost Nordic Biogas webinar on “Pyrolysis of sludge to obtain biochar”.

Welcome Hamza, our operating technician on site!
For two weeks, our operating technician within Testbed Ellinge has been on site at Ellinge ARV. His name is Hamza Rslan and he is hired from the consulting company Start-up.

Two new Master’s thesis proposals
We are happy to announce two new Master’s thesis proposals, both connected to Testbed Elllinge, for the spring 2024. One is called ”Carbon stability in sludge biochars”, the other ”Sludge biochar as an absorbent for pharmaceutical residues”. Spread the word!

Digital workshop
On Monday, 25 September, Testbed Ellinge organised a digital workshop on system analysis of sludge biochar systems.

How plant available is the phosphorus in the sludge biochar?
Thursday 21 September, we had a pre-meeting for the project Phosphorus availability in sludge and sludge biochar, in which we will study phosphorus and heavy metal uptake in a four-year frame study. Dorette Müller-Stöver and Jakob Magid visited VA SYD and Testbed Ellinge's project manager David Gustavsson yesterday to discuss the project.

The pilot is now being assembled at Ellinge
In the second half of November, Aquagreen will start testing the plant with sludge and we at VA SYD hope to be able to take over the plant just before Christmas. Dansk Stålmontage carries out the assembly of machinery and pipes. Da-Tek manages the electrical installation of the pilot plant.

Final conference for the Rest till Bäst project
A range of results were presented at the project Rest till Bäst final conference in Malmö on 13 September. Testbed Ellinge presented its project at the conference at a standing table during the breaks, but David Gustavsson also participated in a panel discussion on stage where the purposes and goals of the testbed were highlighted.

The 2nd Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar
Next year, 15-17 October 2024, it's for the 2nd Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar. This time the conference is held in the Medborgarhuset in Eslöv, just north of Malmö, with a study visit to the pilot plant at the Ellinge Wastewater Treatment Plant during the last day.

Testbed Ellinge presented at the Biochar Summit 2023
At the Biochar Summit 2023 in Helsingborg, during the Sewage Sludge Pyrolysis in the FPR workshop, several researchers presented their work on sewage sludge biochar. One of them was the project leader of Testbädd Ellinge. Read a brief summary here.

Expression of interest – dry and pyrolyse your sludge in Testbed Ellinge
In August 2023, the pilot facility within the Testbed Ellinge project will begin its operation. The project is now looking for interested wastewater utilities that want to send their sludge to the facility.

EBI is working to include sludge biochar in the FPR
Since the summer of 2022, the EU's Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR) has been in place for fertilisers within the EU. Sewage sludge as a substrate for pyrolysis which can then be used as fertilizer, sludge biochar, is not included in the FPR. The European Biochar Industry (EBI) has now published a position paper regarding the pyrolysis of sewage sludge and sludge biochar.

The delivery of the pilot plant is delayed
In April 2022, an agreement was signed with the Danish company Aquagreen for the delivery of a steam dryer and a pyrolyser with associated equipment to Testbed Ellinge. According to the preliminary timetable then, the pilot would start in December 2022. The start of operation is now expected to take place in August 2023.

First study visit to Testbed Ellinge completed!
Testbed Ellinge has now organised its first study visit. A study trip to Sweden within the Food & Bio Cluster Denmark, this time with a focus on biochar, was carried out on 26-27 October.

Summary of the 1st SCSSB
On October 11-12, Testbed Ellinge organised the 1st Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar in Malmö. The conference attracted 122 people from 14 different countries.

1st Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar
Welcome to the 1st Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar in Malmö, on 11-12 October.

Slam studeras i labbet på Högskolan i Borås
Labbförsök med pyrolys av avloppsslam och sampyrolys med t ex bageriavfall pågår på Högskolan i Borås. Fokus för försöken är tungmetallavskiljningen, d v s att tungmetallerna avgår i gasfaen.

Slam levereras i storsäck till Testbädd Ellinge
För någon vecka sedan testade vi på Ellinge ARV om det funkar för oss på verket att föra det avvattnade slammet från slamutlastningen till en storsäck. Det gick bra!

First swedish conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar
Welcome to the first swedish conferens on Sewage Sludge Biochar, held in Malmö, Sweden on October 11-12, 2022.

Studiebesöket till Nordens första fullskala lockade många
Den 25 maj anordnade Testbädd Ellinge ett studiebesök till det danska företaget Aquagreens huvudkontor och pilotfaciliteter i Roskilde samt till Nordens första pyrolysanläggning för avloppsslam i fullskala på Fårevejle Renseanlæg som driftas av Odsherred Forsyning.

Nya affärsmöjligheter med biokol
Biokol har potential att vara en del av lösningen både för klimatutmaningen och för slamhanteringen, inklusive näringsåterföring. Men det finns väldigt många frågor kring den framtida affären för biokol som måste besvaras.

Anmäl dig till vårt nyhetsbrev
Vill du få regelbundna uppdateringar om vad som händer inom Testbädd Ellinge. Anmäl dig till vårt nyhetsbrev här så missar du inget.

Studiebesök till Nordens första pyrolysanläggning för avloppsslam
Onsdagen den 25 maj anordnar vi ett studiebesök till Fårevejle Renseanlæg på nordvästra Själland i Danmark för att titta på företaget Aquagreens första fullskaleinstallation av ångtork och pyrolysugn för behandling av enbart kommunalt avloppsslam.

Snart kontraktsskrivning med pilotleverantör
Under hösten 2021 togs en funktionsspecifikation fram för pilotanläggningen inom Testbädd Ellinge, som ska torka och pyrolysera från olika avloppsreningsverk. Tre leverantörer/konstellation fick i uppgift att under sju veckor ta fram en paketlösning var.

Ny testbädd för framtida slamhantering
Nu går fem kommunala VA-verksamheter ihop i en testbädd för att torka och omvandla slammet från avloppsvattenreningen till slambiokol. På så sätt kan både fosfor och kol återföras till marken. Resultatet kommer att visa möjligheter för framtida svensk slamhantering, som både kan återvinna viktiga naturresurser och minska koldioxidutsläppen.